finally i did it! :)
last Friday we (me+ITD's geng) had a farewell ex-superior (fid) was left the company for better opportunity..congrates Fid :) so we're having our lunch at Chef & Brew restaurant (which steak is their best :D ) 10 of us round up the table which are me, fid (yg di farewellkan), ct, shakeera, laily, mazrah, maziah, kak zizie, suzli n fatin.. un fortunately and the most regret was i forgot to snap a picture of us. actually i remind myself to snap a photo when driving to ITD..however after meet them, the reminder was gone.. :D (excited sgt story mory all the gossips;p plus they're compliment me for my changes..muahahhahhaaahh...kan dh masuk bakul:D ) anyway..back to d having a chicken chop (suddenly hv no idea what menu is the best.after a while just regret supposed to order sizzling mizzling steak or what so ever as long as it was in the hot plate..(so that i can wear a bip (am i spell it correctly?) just like suzli did:D) hehehe..just joking la..alhamdulillah i still hv a chance to eat that kind of food compared to people in Pallestin (huhu..touching la plak) so..we're chatting non-stop (even tgh makn pun mulut dok pot pet pot pet..truk btol..bini sape la tu eh;p) we end up around 230pm i guest..really enjoy the luncheon..anddd..i brought choclate cupcakes for them..hehehe (ths is the real topic:D) usual..i am sharing the recipe..lets catch up :)
2 cawan tepung blue key (self-raising)
1 cawan gula
1 cawan susu pekat manis
1 cawan milo
1 cawan serbuk koko vochelle
4 biji telur ayam
1 cawan minyak masak
1 cawan air panas
1) masukkan semua bahan2 dalam mangkuk besar (mangkuk mixer pn bole)
2) kacau dengan sudip besar hingga sebati (jangan guna mixer.nanti telebih naik dia pecah..x lawo)
3) bila semua bahan2 dah sebati (dlm 5 minit je kot kacau)
4) then boleh ditapis adunan yag dah siap agar hasil nanti lebih halus dan cantekkkk
5) didihkan periuk pengukus dan kukus selama 40 minit or lebih (guna lidi utk cucuk kek tu..kalu xmelekat dh mask ler tuh..)
6) siap!...simple kan..
deco la mengikut creativity masing2.. :) kalu nak buat cupcake letak la adunan dlm cups..kalu nak buat sebijik kek letak dlm loyang (mine = half half..besela aku kan suka buat ikt kpala otak sdiri:D)..senang jek..msti try..

~before deco~

~ths is for my mom~
mane recipe utk topping?terbantut arrr aku nak cuba ...hehe
pn asyida..maafkan hamba kerana terlupe menyelitkan recipe toppingnye:D
topping dia tuh..ade 2 cara..kalu xde bahan guna yg 2nd tu pn bole..
1) guna whipping cream + cooking coklat -> cairkan whipping cream dlm periuk pastu masukkan cooking coklat..gaul sampai pekat..whipped cream tu sket jek mcm utk cairkan coklat jek..aku buat tu terlebih sket whipped terasa cream lebih sket dari coklat:D
2) 1/2 cawan koko van hauten, 1/2 cawan susu pekat, 1 sudu besar minyak masak -> same cara ngn kat atas.. :)
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