actually this is chapter II of previous entry..cewah..ade chapter2 la plak. ok back to the topic, i would like to share about my GUYS besday celebration.. my HuBbY and my AqEeL;) previous entry i story about the birthday..and now is the celebration.
so..the event was on sunday after Maghrib..around 8pm perhaps..cewah event event la plak..mcm besar jek:D
saturday: i made a cheesecake ~ oreo cheesecake..sounds good huh..hehehe..the recipe was good but since this is my 1st attemp doing cheesecake, i spoil the base - it supposed to be crunchy but soft but mined not too crunchy not too soft..hehehe..i think doesnt matter because its my recipe..i determined to have a cake like that (kih kih kih..pandai la nak cover;p) hmm even the base not as per original recipe, still tasty...and i think ive got a lesson on this..the longer you keep the cheesecake in the fridge, the better it taste..mined, i only freezing it less than 12 hrs..i do it @12am and done @ 2am (saturday nite)..
before that i make a batik cookies..(i didnt snap a photo la..huhu..rugi..bcoz that 1 i do it successfully..good taste and nice look.i use to do it previously..thats y confirm jadik:D) so thats my tentative for that day..
before that i make a batik cookies..(i didnt snap a photo la..huhu..rugi..bcoz that 1 i do it successfully..good taste and nice look.i use to do it previously..thats y confirm jadik:D) so thats my tentative for that day..
sunday: i hv a class in the morning 9am-2pm..after my class i reached home @3pm..i only hv approximately 4hrs to prepare all the things..things that i hv to do:
1) kuah soto
2) begedil (for soto)
3) misc - potong daun sup, nasi impit and etc etc..
hmm..i dont beleive i could do these alone..luckily my sister sned her maid to assist me..hehe least she can potong2 and whatsoever..:D
after maghrib, my mom and my sister the whole family reached and later after that my SIL reached..then we sing a happy birthday song for hubby and aqeel..and finally, we all eating2 while chit chat2..hehehe;)
ive upload some of the photos..
~~oReo cheesecake~~
~~the birthday cake~~
~~aYah n aQeeL tiup lilin..aqeel tu action jek~~

~~potong kek plak~~
~~wondering y ayah snap the foods without uncovered it??~~
~~xpela..tgk bekas je la..dlm dia as menu mentioned:D~~
~~aQeel dpt beskal frm mak long~~
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