last saturday...aku berpicnic lagi..but ths time dgn yg trsyg beloved hubby n was unforgettable moment..i really love to hv such sweet memories plus the utmost quality time tht we've spent together.. sgt bahagia tau..hehe..
actually main reason kitorng g picnic ni just nk buat shooting utk pencarian >model> BABY IN PINK ..(giler gempak..ekekek:D) hehe..ok layannnn...
last saturday...aku berpicnic lagi..but ths time dgn yg trsyg beloved hubby n was unforgettable moment..i really love to hv such sweet memories plus the utmost quality time tht we've spent together.. sgt bahagia tau..hehe..
actually main reason kitorng g picnic ni just nk buat shooting utk pencarian >model> BABY IN PINK ..(giler gempak..ekekek:D) hehe..ok layannnn...

out of 300++ photos we've shooted..aku decide utk shortlist yg ni je pn pening nk pilih yg mana..adeii.. (ha muntah pink la korang tgk gambo aQeel sesaje..ekeek:D)

tp aku rs..gambo ni yg akn aku pertandingkan..ahaksss..gambo sempoi kt umah je..xyah shooting2 bagai..
p/s: now br aku paham perasaan nape photog slalu takes quit some time nk siapkn artwork....
p/s2: tu br 1 side @ lake garden..blom kt flower garden lagi..penuh munga-mungaan...ouh i likeeee....
wah...dasat ibu aqeel, siap buat photoshoot tu nak masuk contest...
bagus2, keep it up!
kat maner buat shooting tu?
eh..terkesima kejap.
dah x yah wat verification ke ek???
wahhh outdoor photoshoot ye...last2 amik gmbr yg kt dlm umah ye...cute2 la gmbr aqeel tu...
gud luck na...
betui tue..igt senang ker nk photoshoot ngan anak2 yg nakal giloss! menguji keimanan tau! hiks...
ko turun lake Garden? hmmm..nnt aku nk shoot kt situ lak ler..ritu tgk tmpat tue mmg cantik! kalau romantik photoshoot kt situ mmg kedaboom tu!hiks!
Comeyy aksi budak kicit tue berphotoshoot....aksi candid mmg cantik kan! hiks!
^^ teruskan menembak yer..:)
salam tuan rumah,
I'm doing 'Say it with cupcakes' - charity drive. I work together with my sahabat in TM, Jules, eksekutif suri (serunding) & ummikusayang
Part if our sale goes to the orphanage home. you can see the list in my blog. or
if sudi pls share this with all your friends & relative.
appreciate your help
bukan ank yg gilo bergambor
tapi IBU nyerrrrrrrrrrrrr
tapi aku suko arr nengok gambar2 nie
ikhlassssssssss nie aku puji!!!!
fuhhh,memang gorgeous gler...aqeel in pink,lawa2x...
syokknyee berpiknik.....tomei2..
kecik2 da hensem
eyrfan punye mama:
haha..harusla gigih2 gituh nk masuk contest..berpino mata nk pilih..adeii..
aah word verification dh disable..senang sket kan org nk komen..baikkan sy..prihatin..ahaks:p
hahha tu ye outdoor kan bile tepek guna collage tu jadi xcantek la gambo..huhu..
ye btol..adoiii sgt letih mengejo si kecik..huhu..
tu la frust xdpt masuk romantic xpela..klau x nnti ko xmenang plak..ahahahha;p
my sunshine gift shope:
hohoo..1st time aku dgr ko puji dgn ikhlas..ahaksss:p
hehe..lawo..dh jadi cantek..bkn ensem..sbb pakai pink..ekekk:D
so sweet aqeel in pink tuh..good luck woookkk..
ibu adana dan azhad:
hehee..syiok oooo berpicninc..nk g putrajaya plak pasni..hehe
joe grimjow:
hehe..thanks for the complment..
thanks wokkk..hehe..utk contest tu aku beli baju pink tu..ahaksk..
aku suka gambar kat garden tu...may be ko leh pick gambar garden tu, cantik apa..hehe..apa lak aku yg pepandai nih...ahaks
waa cantik2 belaka..apa lagi kena ngn model si cilik aQeel yg so sweet sesangat...
*contester tegar..mmg cenggitu kekdahnya..pilihan harus yg terbaik okeyyy..baru berbaloi nk join contest..hikhik..
comei nye dia...jarang tgk bb boy pkai bj kaler pink.hehe
good luck ek
kakkkkkkkkkkkkk....cun la aQeel in pink..serius...comei banget
aqeel pakai kaler apa pun comel...
cantik2 gambar..
ada contest baby in pink pulak ke?
byknye contest..
bilala nk merasa join ni
byk tul contest ye, takpe aqeel nya gambar cantik2 mesti leh menang..
alfa juliet:
emm yg mane satu gmbr kt garden sbb sume tu mmg kt garden:D
amboih kemain lagi bagi gelaran tuh..elekeekek:D hmm aku yg pning nk pilh ni..adoiii
hahaha..tu la..demi contest..punggah cari baju pink..hehe
hahaa..dh jadi cun dh..xjadi encem..ekeekek:D
hehee..thanks for the compliment kak..hehe
gee ryder:
aah ade contest baby in pink..hahahaa..jenuh nk pilih gambo..akk join je la..aqeel bole je masuk:D
aah skang ni musim contest..hahaa..lain org lain pandangan dia..ekek:D
mmmm...siap buat photoshoot tu....insyaallah...selalunya good effort akan mendatangkan hasil....
Aqeel pakai baju kaler apa pon tetap cute dan ensem...actually kaler pink lagi menyerlahkan keputihan anak mu itew suziey :)
Kiut puteh boy itu berbaju pink.
Psst; baju melayu AQeel tahun ni kaler apa ye ibu? hehe..
wheeiiii pekata ko amik pic yg kedua last tu....cute lagik pastu ngan pose aQeel yg bersahaja gtew...kelazzz..
ermm lgi cute kalo ko beli sandel crocs kaler pink tuk aqeel...ekeke
ko nak aqeel pakai croc pink aku kah???
ko nak aqeel pakai croc pink aku kah???
thanks for the compliment :)
ibu damia:
hehe..ala sesambil berpicnic kan..photoshoot la skali..mmg dh lama plan nk la..dr biar en canon terperap jek..hehe
hahaha..o ye tu la..ayah dia xsuke pakaikan sgt pompuan..ahakss...kita mmg suke pink:P
sweet like sugar? ahajks...
hehehe..tu la sy suke dia pakai pink..ekekek:D
ouh tu rahsia..tunggu raya ok..nnti bole la kita ziarah menziarahai..hehe
hohoho..thanks for suggestion..mmg pening nk pilih ni..ahaks/...kita lihat sape yg kena..ekkek:D
amboih nk pakai crocs pink ke..ckpla oren tu..ahaks;p
ceh sabo jek..aku pn ade crocs pink itu..cittt
Seronk kn berpicnic dgn family hujng mggu..msa yg terbaik nk eratkn ksh syg^_^
Hehe Aqeel dah posing bagai,ibunya ambik gambr yg kat rumh je..apapn Aqeel kat mana2 still handsome.
gud luck aQeel... pinky bangat sih! hehe
Wehh suziey.. ko jadikan weols sumber inspirasi yer..xper..tiru salah satu cara belajar.. ekeke.. toi neh.. aku tak kesah.. janji ko banje weols.. kakakaka
Setuju2.. pic aqeel yang neh kiut.. ekeke.. tingin gak nak masuk contest bagai.. tgk laa dulu..ilek2 dulu.. kekeke
Caiyok aqeel..kalo menang lagi.. harus jupe Sofea shooting sama2 eh..*Erk.. ape kena mengena menang ngn shooting ek? Aku pon tak paham..kekeke*
pehh..dasyat ar..siap g shot nak masuk contest..cayalah lu..memang leh menang ni..gempak la..lepas ni kalau menang lagi wat kenduri la..tak pun bg la hadiah kat sape yang undi aqeel tu..huu..bankrup ko..
anyway,aku suka pic yang ko pilih tu..memang aqeel nampak cute la..
good work !!
comelnya Aqeel ni..
tq sudi singgah anaklaut
wei pic yg ke 7 and ke9 tu smart la.. cpt tukar!pic pkai kopiah ni comot la wei,siap ketiak basah lagi..tidakkkk!!
semua..picture..tu cute..sbb aqeel modelnya.
aah sonot skali skala picnic2 bagai..hehe..
xla UAS..acah je tu..still dlm pemilihan..
ash anas:
thanks for the wish shiera..hehe..skali skala pakai pink:p
fara adura:
hehehe..ouh dpt green lite..teruk kan kita..dh belek br btau..ekekek:D
ok no problem...kalu aQeel meanng kita buat shooting..kalu x menang pn bole...emm ade kaitan..masing2 dh giler meroyan ngn dslr..hahahaa:p
mrs adz:
hahahahaa..mmg kopak la aku nk banje sume org yg contest ni xde vote..pakai juri pro..cewah..hehe..
anak laut:
salam...thanks for the compliment,..
i pn mmg target nk amik yg no 7 tu..nmpk natural sket aksi nya,,..cewah..
tu bkn ketiak basah la..baju dia terkena air smayg..nk smyg kan dh pakai kopiah bagai..ekeek:D
hahahaa..kalu sy modelny cute x..waakakak:p
wah bestyerk outdoor cam tue.. okies aqeel mmg ade potensi nak menang..huhuhu gud luck yerk..
alolo..sweetnye dia pki baju pink..Aqeel putih, pki baju warna apa pun ttp sesuai:)
Suziey, cantik2 la photoshoot itu..puas tgk!:)
Good luck Aqeel encem n ibu!
wah... semuanya cute2 la suziey..
aqeel putih melepak ikut cam ko.. amat la sesuai ngan kaler pink ni.. hik..hik..hik..
eh.. camne ko buat gambo2 tu.. blh ada arrow.. turun kebawah lagi.. ajar aaar
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